Top 7 Tools for Fixing Stuff around the Home

In this Mud and Pearls Small Engine Repair class, teacher and author Nik Colyer goes over the top 7 tools that the homeowner needs, good ones to keep in the car, and for general ‘rising stuff’ purposes. Pocket knife, vice grip, channel locks, set of wrenches, needle nose pliers, and 12 v or 110 v diagnostic electrical tester. We successfully fixed a lawnmower in this class on April 5, 2014. Build your independence! Education, hands-on help, and inspirational products. We are a collective of artists, builders, teachers. Homestead along with us!
Mud and Pearls inspires and motivates people of all ages to create beautiful, sustainable, and community-based projects.
We create an atmosphere of curiosity and learning where a multitude of ideas are broached and the best decision for the environment, the individual, and the community is reached.
We help people to feel amazing about what they just learned and did, and we do it with a spirit of fun and verve.
We will tell the stories of others work, ideas and visions, so that a strong network across the world is created, so that people know they are among friends and colleagues that are creating a equitable, just, sustainable, and beautiful world.
We remind people that not too long ago we all helped each other create long-lasting shelter, and we can do that again.
We show people outside of natural building movement that they can create healthy, lovely spaces and inspire them to come up with new ideas.
We teach women and men who might be reluctant to use tools how to feel comfortable and be inspired to take on a new do-it-yourself project.
We will provide an arena for world-wide discussions to happen about sustainable design and personal growth through community supported, individual projects.

Post time: Jul-31-2017
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