Mercedes Benz Actros( repair of the compressed air system )

1,5,This video shows the repair of the|compressed air system on the new Actros.||
6,9,Operations have to be performed |on both air compressors.||
10,15,Here, the operations are performed on |a freestanding engine for better viewing.||
16,18,First remove the following parts:|||
19,28,resonance head, intake manifold, downpipe,|exhaust manifold, compressor line, …||
29,33,… the two coolant lines (feed and return),|oil line, supply line, …||
34,36,… detach the AdBlue timer |from the compressor.||
37,43,If there is a problem with the horizontal|air compressor, assembly is performed in the|same way as on the vertical air compressor.|
44,47,There are two options for removing|the compressors:||
48,50,Option 1: Both are removed.|||
51,53,In this case, make sure that|the parts do not get mixed up.||
54,58,Option 2: First one compressor is removed |and reinstalled and then the other.||
59,62,With the last variant, |no parts can get mixed up.||
63,66,For this reason, the second and |safer variant is shown here.||
67,73,Start at the cylinder head – in this case|on the vertical compressor.||
74,80,Unscrew the cap from the TDC hole.|||
81,90,The turning device can then |be fitted to the timing case.||
95,100,When turning, make sure that the engine|turns in the correct direction.||
101,108,If the piston is not at the|top dead center position:||
109,115,Turn the turning device until|the piston reaches TDC.||
116,124,Detach the cylinder liner.|||
127,129,Then detach the seal.|||
130,138,Wipe off the grease before|installing the new seal.||
139,146,The cylinder liner and air compressor|piston can now be replaced.||
147,149,New tools are available for|the installation:||
150,168,Piston ring compressor pliers and two piston|ring compressor bands in different sizes.||
171,181,These tools were specially developed |to simplify piston installation.||
182,187,The piston ring compressor band can |easily be held with the new piston ring |compressor pliers.|
188,208,In addition, the compressor band |can be easily adjusted to the piston.||
211,222,Mount the cylinder head.|||
224,226,Fasten the four bolts |on the cylinder head.||
227,236,Tighten the bolts to 20 Nm in the first stage,|and to 40 Nm in the second stage.||
237,240,The horizontal compressor is removed|in the same way as the vertical compressor.||
241,248,Installation is shown next.|||
249,252,The horizontal angle makes|installation more difficult.||
253,264,The cylinder liner also |makes things difficult.||
278,284,Adjust the new seal precisely|to the cylinder liner.||
284,292,Otherwise, the bolts which fix the cylinder |head and cylinder liner to the timing case |will not fit through the holes.|
293,302,First tighten the four bolts on the cylinder |head to 20 Nm and then to 40 Nm |in the second stage.|
303,307,The remaining parts are installed|in reverse order.||
308,312,Finally, remove the turning device|from the timing case.||
313,319,The repair of the compressed air system|is thus complete.||

Post time: Sep-12-2017
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